
Hazira-Ghogha Roro Ferry, Gujarat
Travel between Surat and Bhavnagar is around 600 km and takes you more than 11 hours to complete. This drive can be avoided by taking a Hazira-Ghogha Roro Ferry provided by DG Sea Connect. Hazira-Ghogha Roro Ferry is convenient option to cut down more than 11 hours of drive time. By taking roro ferry you […]
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2 Nights Sasan Gir National Park Itinerary
2 Nights Sasan Gir National Park itinerary for your perfect weekend trip in Gujarat. Gir National Park is the national park located in Gujarat state. It is the only national park where you get to see the asiatic lion. Gir National Park is located in an area called Sasan, hence, it is named as Sasan […]
Read MoreSaputara, Gujarat
Most of the hill stations around Mumbai require minimum of 3 days holiday. One of such hill station is Saputara. Situated on the border of Maharashtra and Gujarat, Saputara is small hill station offering nature, quietness and good food options (since it is located in Gujarat). Saputara is famous for its lake, around which you […]
Read MoreShoolpaneshwar Wildlife Sanctuary, Gujarat
India is full of surprises. I thought I knew most of the destinations in and around Mumbai only to be proved wrong by having a weekend outing to a totally unknown place, atleast for Mumbaikar (or only me). When my family told me that we are going to Rajpipala, I didn’t know in what and […]
Read MoreSilvassa
After shifting to Mumbai, I realised that options for traveling around Mumbai is less compare Delhi or even Bangalore for that matter. I crave for weekend getaways and one fine day, we decided to head to Silvassa for a weekend. On my Road Trip from Delhi to Mumbai, I have passed Silvassa and also mentioned […]
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